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Terri Gray

Current profession: Retired

Affiliations: Assistance League of Indianapolis

Activities/Hobbies: Travel, reading, yoga, mah-jongg

What does being a peacemaker mean to you?

Being a peacemaker means exhibiting and practicing those traits- kindness, generosity, listening- that will promote communication, trust, gratitude, and a deeper understanding of each other.

What impact do you hope the Jack Shockley Warriors for Peace will have in the community?

My hope is that each small gesture of kindness and attention will have a ripple effect by touching one person at a time, and motivating them to also practice kindness - ultimately reaching others to promote a more peaceful world - uniting hearts and minds.

The mission of the Jack Shockley Warriors for Peace is to oppose the evil of gun violence by promoting peaceful change, one life at a time.

 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity

EIN: 86-2498732

© 2021 Jack Shockley Warriors for Peace Inc.

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